Weekly Horoscopes

The Sky this Week, May 12, 2024

On May 12, a soft Cancer moon transit beautifies any Mother’s Day plans. The moon, representing motherhood and children, is happily in its domicile, or at home, in this water sign. The collective mood sets up for family gatherings, emotional conversations, or lovely gifting. Even sentimental walks down memory lane in solitude can be rewarding, making us feel warm and reflective about unforgettable memories.

On the fifteenth, intellectual Mercury grows roots in earthy Taurus. Our language becomes much more intentional as we intuitively feel the long-lasting impact words can have. Communication between others may slow and be less charged, emotive, or frequent. But quality over quantity of interactions is delivered. Stubbornness will close off conversations. Remaining fixed in your values while open-minded to compromise can melt hearts and dissolve unnecessary separation.

MANTRA Intentional with my communication, I practice harm reduction with my loved ones.

ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS Taurus, Gemini, and Virgo can expect an active week.

Taurus is mentally stimulated and decisively empowered as Mercury enters their sign this week.

Gemini and Virgo opt for more sensual, grounded, patient, or practical approaches to dilemmas as their planetary ruler Mercury enters Taurus.

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